[GIS] Can’t find QGIS 3.0 Style Menu


Need to resize XY data point symbols based on numbers of sightings in a third column of data. Was fairly staight forward in ArcGIS. Can't figure it at all in QGIS 3.0. Most answers I've seen refer to a graduation tab in the Style Menu in Properties but I can't even locate the style menu shown for earlier versions of the program let alone a Graduation Tab.

Best Answer

Yes, the Style tab in the Layer Properties changed its name to Symbology.

Either tab shows Single symbol on top of it. Please click on a small black triangle at the far right hand side, to call up Graduated option.

QGIS < 3.0 (e.g. 2.18)

enter image description here

QGIS 3.0

enter image description here