[GIS] Can’t export customer’s shapefile to latitude and longitude

exportlatitude longitudepointqgisvector

I'm very new to this application so bear with me. I hope that I am missing something very elementary.

I have a shapefile supplied by my customer. I need to get the latitude and longitude for each of the points. From the export it appears there are 140 points.

I looked at the attribute table and only the OBJECTID, Shape_Leng are defined.

I have tried to do the steps in this post but I only get a file that looks like:


What I was hoping to get a a file that looks like:

OBJECTID, latitude, longitude

The customer sent me a zip file with all of this data:


I have been opening the .shp file and haven't been able to open any of the other files with QGIS.

Best Answer

Are you sure the Shapefile contains points? Shape_Leng is a common attribute for lines. That could be the reason why you can't export X and Y coordinates from your Shapefile.

In that case the new question would be how to extract points from those lines. For that, you could go to Processing->ToolBox->QGIS geoalgorithms->Vector geometry tools->Extract nodes. This will give you a point layer where each point is a vertex of your original lines.

On this point layer you can repeat the steps you mentioned in your question to get a CSV file listing latitude and longitude coordinates.