[GIS] Cannot See a Web Map on ArcGIS Collector


I have created a web map and it appears that all settings and permissions should allow me to see it. While I have other maps which I can see in Collector, when I open collector and sign in to this organization account I cannot see it. The settings seem to be the same as other maps which I can see.

Here are the settings for the feature layer that I am trying to collect data for:

enter image description here

Any other suggestions to consider?

Best Answer

I have created a few web maps for Collector for ArcGIS and I always do it the same way.

  1. I always start off by creating a file geodatabase through ArcMap. (Catalog and Pro will work the same) I make sure to finish all of my symbology, domains, and subtypes before publishing it as a web layer.

  2. Go to File-> Sign In...-> Sign in with your ESRI account.

  3. Go to File-> Share AS-> Service...-> Publish a Service-> Choose a connection: My Hosted Services('Your organization') Service Name: 'Title'. I change my capabilities to Feature Access, not Tiled Mapping. Set up your feature access operations to preferences. I normally share it with Everyone

  4. Then you will want to publish this service.

  5. Create it as a web map online and it works without having to even touch the settings.

A suggestion that I would consider is trying to share it with a group that you are a member of.