[GIS] Cannot import gdal_array


I attempted to use GDAL without installing due to not having rights to install on this computer. I managed to get several gdal modules working, but when I attempted to use ReadAsArray() I received the import error

ImportError: No module named _gdal_array

I looked through the python folder and found that gdal and gdalconst both had pyd files and compiled files, but gdal_array does not.

When I ran VersionInfo() I got the value 1910 for gdal if that helps. I also have python 2.6 and numpy

Does anyone know a way I could fix this problem without using a gdal installer?

Best Answer

Poking around I figured out that a bunch of gdal bundles are missing files, including the maptools.org ones. http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2011-May/028708.html

I found a gdal 1.10 version that is working for me. Put the install instructions with the original question: Is it possible to use GDAL without admin rights?