[GIS] Can Tiff files from ESRI Geodatabase be loaded into QGIS


I have been able to load an ESRI geodatabase which contains shape files into QGIS, however when I try to load a geodatabase containing tiff files I get an error message saying …."is not a valid or recognized data source". I am assuming it is because it is tiff files? Is there a way to get the tiff files loaded into QGIS through a geodatabase or is there a format I can convert the tiff files to before I put them into the geodatabase? Any suggestion welocme


Best Answer

According to the comments to this question: Use GDAL/Python to add rasters (tiff) to an ESRI File Geodatabase there is no support for rasters in ESRI file geodatabases by GDAL or QGIS.

Furthermore, QGIS does not support File geodatabase by default. See File Geodatabase (*.gdb) support in QGIS? for some advice.

The Personal database manpage does not mention raster support either: http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_pgeo.html

Anyway, you can load tiffs directly into QGIS with Add Raster.

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