[GIS] Can ArcGIS Explorer open *.mxd files


This is perhaps a silly question but can ArcGIS Explorer open a .mxd file?

I can't seem to find a definite answer online and I can't download it until I know the answer.

Best Answer

Unfortunately, you cannot open .mxd files in ArcGIS Explorer

You can open these item types in ArcGIS Explorer Desktop:

  • ArcGIS Explorer document (.nmf)

  • ArcGIS Explorer application configuration (.ncfg)

  • ArcGIS layer (.lyr)
  • ArcGIS layer package (.lpk)
  • ArcGIS Explorer layer (.nmc)
  • ArcGIS Explorer add-in (.eaz)
  • ArcGIS Server service
  • Web map

Please see this page: http://help.arcgis.com/en/arcgisonline/help/index.html#//010q0000000v000000