[GIS] Calculating slope over distance from raster


I am sitting with an elevation raster, trying to produce a calculation for slope angle. I have a cell size of 2,-2 and I am trying to figure out how to calculate cell value difference between adjacent cells. Or is there another way to visualize the slopiest slopes in my raster?
I am currently using QGIS and SAGA.

Best Answer

I know this is not addressing your query directly, i.e., I can't give you info on calculating slope yourself. But you can calculate slope using a built in tool, well, a plugin.

This link: http://www.gistutor.com/quantum-gis/20-intermediate-quantum-gis-tutorials/48-quantum-gis-qgis-raster-based-terrain-analysis-techniques.html shows you how.

If you want to calculate it yourself then let me know and we can find out how to do raster calculations manually. Here's how to calculate it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_information_system#Slope_and_aspect

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