[GIS] Calculating Points Per Polygon

arcgis-desktopspatial statistics

If I have a map of the U.S. with individual polygons at the county-level, and then in another layer, a set of points of interest, is there a way to tabulate how many POI per each polygon ("county") and export that data? I'd like to create a histogram showing how many POI per county there are for all counties.

Best Answer

You should do a spatial join and join the polygon id to the points. Right click on the point layer in your table of contents and select join. Make sure its a spatial join and you joining Polygons to Points, also make sure each point gets the attributes of the polygon it is in (not nearest too)

enter image description here

Once this is done you will have a new featureclass that holds your points with an attribute showing which polygon it is in. You will then use Summarize (right click on the field you want summarized in the attribute table and summarize on the field that holds the polygon ID. This will give you a total count of points in the poly.

enter image description here

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