[GIS] Calculating grid convergence (True North to Grid North)

algorithmconvergencecoordinate systemexcel

I would like to know how to calculate the grid convergence angle between True North and Grid North for UTM maps.

I am using ArcGIS 10.0 (ArcView licence). and have used the Calculate Grid Convergence Angle tool from the Cartography toolbox.

However, I would like to know how to calculate this angle myself (using Excel) to compare against the ArcGIS result?

Best Answer

The formula for calculating grid convergence (sometimes called meridian convergence) for spherical UTM projections was given (very incorrectly until just now) at How to Calculate North?

In case that is not clear

γ = arctan [tan (λ - λ0) × sin φ]


γ is grid convergence,
λ0 is longitude of UTM zone's central meridian,
φ, λ are latitude, longitude of point in question

See Transverse_Mercator_projection#Convergence where it also gives γ as a function of grid coordinates.

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