[GIS] Calculating distance of point from arc/polyline using PostGIS


Using PostgreSQL/PostGIS, I am trying to query the database for the closest arc to a particular GPS point. Each Arc is made up of two nodes that are GPS points on a map. Is there a way I could query this using Postgres and also get the distance of the point from the arc?

I have been trying to find the road to which a GPS point is closest to. I have a postGIS database which i loaded with the map of the road network.
According to a previous question asked here Calculate distance of point from an arc/polyline this was to be done be creating a straight line then look for the shortest distance form this line. The road network is however not straight thus this wont work.

Anybody with a solution?

Best Answer

SELECT arc_id 
FROM road_table 
ORDER BY ST_Distance(road_table.geom, 'gps-point in wkt') 

Since PostGIS 1.5 you also have the option of using ST_ClosestPoint.

Some discussions of how to use it can be found here:


About ST_ClosestPoint you can read more in the PostGIS documentation: http://postgis.net/docs/ST_ClosestPoint.html

As I understand your query correct you don't have any line ready but a list of points in a table.

What you need to do then is writing a query that creates lines from those points and use ST_ClosestPoint on those lines. You do it all in one query. To do that you can design your query in several ways and approaches depending on in more detail what you want to get. If it is just the distance you want, then forget about ST_ClosestPoint then use ST_Distance to get the distance. If you just want the closest Point on the edge and/or the distance, then you can build the whole linestring with ST_MakeLine If you also want to find the points defining the edge that is closest it is probably easiest to make a self join that builds lines from each opint pair in the table instead and use ST_Distance and /or ST_ClosestPoint on that two point lines.

This I guess looks quite messy, but that is because there is a lot of possibilities, what you actually want to get.

I think edge is a more correct word than arc.

Ok, from your comment I guess that what you want is a query that self-joins to create edges and returns the closest edge and distance. You will need a integer field to make it work like this with integer values ordered as the gps-points and without holes in the series. I call id gid here.

Then you can run something like:

SELECT dist, the_edge FROM
(SELECT ST_Distance(e.the_edge, 'PUT YOUR GPS_POINT AS WKT HERE') as dist, the_edge FROM
(SELECT ST_MakeLine(a.geom, b.geom) AS the_edge FROM
point_table a INNER JOIN point_table b ON b.gid=(a.gid+1)) e) s

a.geom references geom in the table that I have put the alias a on. I shouldn't have left out the "AS" key-word, then it looks like this:

SELECT dist, the_edge FROM
(SELECT ST_Distance(e.the_edge, 'PUT YOUR GPS_POINT AS WKT HERE') as dist, the_edge FROM
(SELECT ST_MakeLine(a.geom, b.geom) AS the_edge FROM
point_table AS a INNER JOIN point_table AS b ON b.gid=(a.gid+1)) e) s

To get a short intro to sql in general you can test the tutorial on PostGISonline

To see some spatial examples you can try: mixed examples

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