[GIS] Calculating distance between point layer to n nearest polylines using QGIS

linenearest neighborpointqgis

In QGIS I am trying to calculate the distance from a point layer to a polyline layer for the n nearest polylines. I have figured out how to calculate this distance to the centroid of the polylines using the point to hub tool, but I need the distance to the edge of the closest polylines – not centroids. I can calculate the nearest polyline by dumping the polylines to nodes and calculating to nearest point, but that method falls apart for the n nearest calculation.

Any thoughts?

Best Answer

You can use the NNJoin plugin to calculate the distance between points and its nearest line. You can download the plugin via Plugins > Manage and Install Plugins....

It is recommended, however, to not use this plugin on large datasets containing lines as it does not use a spatial index for lines.

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