[GIS] Calculate the distance between two contours


I have two contour polylines (single shapefile) and I would like to calculate the mean, min and max distances between the two lines. Is there a function in ArcMap 10 (ArcInfo license, incl. Spatial Analyst) that will do this for me without have to use the measurement tool manually? The measurement should account for the curvature of the earth.

Best Answer

What I could understand from your question is that you want to get a profile from contour polylines. I dont know if a zonal mean over the contour line works for you but it is a good idea take a look Spatial Analyst Zonal tools.

And another way, Easy Profiler2.1 - Generate Profile From Contour can help you too.. you can find it in ArcScripts here.

And I want to say before forgetting, you can find more profiler under ArcScripts.

The Main Function are include:

  1. Generate Profile by a drawing Polyline on the Display.

  2. Generate Profile by a selected Polyline in the Active Theme.

  3. You can get "X","Y","Z","D" fields in the new Profile theme.

  4. Where "X","Y" are the real coordinate,"Z" is the elevation,and "D" is the distance from corssing point to start point of profile line.

  5. Draw Profile from "continuous" Point Theme.

I hope it helps you...