[GIS] Calculate raster statistics per polygon in a polygon feature class


I have a raster layer representing land cover which has three categories of pixels: natural, semi-transformed and transformed.

I have a polygon feature class where each polygon delineates a catchment area.

I would like to calculate the proportion of each of the land cover types in each polygon. For example: I would like to know what percentage of each polygon is natural, semi transformed and transformed. I would like this information to be contained in the attribute table of the polygon feature class.

I am using ArcView License, ArcMap 10.0. I have the 3D Analyst Extension but not Spatial Analyst.

Best Answer

Since you dont have Spatial Analyst you cant peform Zonal Statistics which would solve your problem. One solution is to convert the raster to Points and then perform a spatial join and summary statistics:

  1. Convert raster to Points with Raster to Point
  2. Join the catchment areas to the Points with Spatial Join
  3. Count the number of Points (=pixels) per type and catchment area with Summary Statistics. Then calculate the areas by multipling with pixel size.

Or you can convert the raster to polygons with Raster to Polygon, perform an Intersection with the created polygons and the catchment areas and then perform a summary statistics