[GIS] Calculate percentile value of raster


I want to set null all raster values that fall below the 75th percentile value. E.g. If you classify the raster by quantile method into 4 classes I want to be left with the top 25% percentile. For the raster shown below, 3.154941635 would be used in the set null expression.

I have attempted the following in the Calculate Value tool and a value of 0 is being returned. (source:https://community.esri.com/thread/162022)

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

For one raster, try to build your model builder like:

enter image description here

SetNull settings:

enter image description here

Expression for SetNull:

enter image description here

Beware that (reference):

Clicking the Verify button for an SQL query with an inline variable substitution in Query Builder, for tools such as Make Feature Layer, Select, and Select Layer By Attribute, will give you an invalid SQL query error, as the verification does not substitute the value of the inline variable when evaluating an expression. When the tool runs, the value of the inline variable is substituted in the expression and the results are created based on the substituted values.

Finally, as I said, you should use this model as a submodule used as an iterator to another model to run it against all your rasters (https://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/latest/analyze/modelbuilder/integrating-model-within-a-model.htm#ESRI_SECTION1_FC4FA1B8DC0D418098AD21B774804821).

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