[GIS] Calculate ground nadir line from PV coordinates

remote sensingsatellite

I'm using an API which returns a satellite's PVCoordinates (Position/Velocity pairs).

{P(1036869.5330731269, 6546536.584960848, 9.892293545390519E-11), V(-9994.355195123433, 1582.9503539842497, -1242.4491245907245)}

Given an array of these PV coordinates, how can I calculate or derive latitude and longitude coordinates for the nadir line (ground sub-track)?

Does anyone know of a Java API which might help me or is the math easy enough that I can write a function myself? (Full Disclosure: I have a math disorder)

Nadir line example

I've looked around the web and everything I see tends to make my eyes glaze over and humble me to the point of wishing my pathetic self should have taken more math in college.

Best Answer

The Orekit Corridor Track example shows how to calculate the sub-satellite track around line 275.

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