[GIS] Cache generation failed. Progress gets stuck at 0%


I'm trying to publish a map service containing a large .tif raster (48GB).

I managed to publish a small cached raster successfully (for testing), but when I tried to publish the large one, the cache generation got stuck at 0% even though it kept saying it's in progress, and again at 24%. Now I can't even publish the small one because the application is not responding right after I select "Publish".


It's an ArcGIS Server Enterprise 10.1 on a Windows Server 2008 OS machine.

  • the machine is on a Microsoft Azzure cloud.
  • the machine has 4 CPU cores (so I set the number of instances to 5).
  • it's a raster TIF file with LZW compression.
  • I chose 5 scales, and tried different formats for the tiles.

enter image description here

Thanks for your help

Best Answer

I had the same problem, the only solution that I found was to recreate the MXD, it's probably that you have a layer definition or symbology problem.

Try recreating the MXD and try republishing the service.