[GIS] Build GDAL with CMake


As stated here: https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/CMake
GDAL is not yet ready to be compiled with CMake:



Pilot project of CMake configuration for GDAL is being developed internally by ​Kitware. It should be delivered soon,
so stay tuned. Once first beta is released to the public, it will be
available for testing, improvements

But this is pretty old.
Any idea on the roadmap if always planned?
(I'd like to know which flag I can switch to enable python bindings because now it cannot find osgeo within QGIS).

I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.

Best Answer

The CMaked GDAL with all needed dependencies can be found at nextgis-borsch repository. Take a look: https://github.com/nextgis-borsch/lib_gdal

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