[GIS] Build and export PDF maps using ArcObjects


I have a series of featureclasses and rasters generated using ArcObjects and calls to the Geoprocessor. I have the paths to the output, which are located in a file geodatabase. How can I use ArcObjects to build a map using a combination of these outputs and then save the final map as a PDF (or JPEG/PNG if PDF is not possible)? If this is possible, can I also add a legend/north arrow, etc?

The purpose of these maps is quick quality control and the output are all in the same projection and cover the same area.

I'm unfamiliar with building visual outputs "behind the scenes" in ArcObjects, so any information that points me in the right direction would be appreciated!

Best Answer

For the programming route to export using ArcObjects you can use the Export active view code sample, see link below. I would suggest to pre define layouts objects such as north arrow and scale bar manually.

Export active view