[GIS] Break a shapely Linestring at multiple points


This code below was modified from the one I found here which splits a shapely Linestring into two segments at a point defined along the line. I have also checked other questions but they don't address my query directly. However I will like to extend it to split the line into multiple segments (at multiple points), all my attempts to do that so far has failed. How can it be modified to split the string into any given number of segments or at multiple points say ((4,5),(9,18) and (6,5)).


line = LineString([(1,2),(8,7),(4,5),(2,4),(4,7),(8,5),(9,18),(1,2),(12,7),(4,5),(6,5),(4,9)])
       breakPoint = Point(2,4)

from shapely.geometry import Point,LineString

def make_line_segment(line_string, breakPoint):
    geoLoc = line_string.coords
    j = None
    for i in range(len(geoLoc) - 1):
        if LineString(geoLoc[i:i + 2]).intersects(breakPoint):
           j = i
    assert j is not None
    # Make sure to always include the point in the first group
    if Point(geoLoc[j + 1:j + 2]).equals(breakPoint):
        return geoLoc[:j + 2], geoLoc[j + 1:]
        return geoLoc[:j + 1], geoLoc[j:]

line1,line2 = make_line_segment(line,breakPoint)
line1 = LineString(line1)
line2 = LineString(line2)
print line1, line2

output: `LINESTRING (1 2, 8 7, 4 5, 2 4) LINESTRING (2 4, 4 7, 8 5, 9 18, 1 2, 12 7, 4 5, 6 5, 4 9)`

Best Answer

Shapely has now the split function (see Split lines at points using Shapely)

enter image description here

points = MultiPoint([(4,5),(9,18),(6,5)]) 
line = LineString([(1,2),(8,7),(4,5),(2,4),(4,7),(8,5),(9,18),(1,2),(12,7),(4,5),(6,5),(4,9)])
from shapely.ops import split
splitted = split(line, points)
for lin in splitted:
      print lin
LINESTRING (1 2, 8 7, 4 5)
LINESTRING (4 5, 2 4, 4 7, 8 5, 9 18)
LINESTRING (9 18, 1 2, 12 7, 4 5, 6 5)
LINESTRING (6 5, 4 9)

enter image description here