[GIS] Best method to aggregate 1m DEM mosaic to 10m DEM


I have a mosaic of a 1m LiDar derived DEM. I need to output a subset of the data as a 10m DEM. I am currently using the aggregate tool in ARCGIS 10 to produce a mean value for each new 10m pixel. Any advice on whether this is the best technique for such as task? Is the mean value the best approach with this type of data?

Best Answer

A common mistake (that I've made too) is to down-sample a raster using the resample tool with bilinear interpolation. See this answer for an explanation why this is not good. A raster can be down-sampled in three steps.

  1. The first step might not be required. Reproject the raster to the target extents. Use bilinear interpolation, and keep the output cell size the same as the input resolution (e.g., 1 m). Use the registration point to "snap" the raster corners to the projection. The output extents can be specified in the "Environments", and I suggest specifying the extents with a multiple of 10 m (or whatever resolution). These extents will control where the statistics are determined for the final raster.

  2. Perform Block Statistics (found in Spatial Analyst Tools > Neighborhood). Use a rectangle with 10 cells for both height and width, and choose "MEAN" for a statistic type. Try different shapes and types, if you want. The cell size is the down-sampling ratio.

  3. Since block statistics does not change the raster resolution, the last step is to Resample (found in Data Management Tools > Raster > Raster Processing). Choose 10 m, and use "NEAREST" to pick the block statistic in the centre of the cell.

Steps 2 and 3 can be replaced with's Curtvprice's suggestion to use the Aggregate tool, which will effectively yield the same results using rectangle means.

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