[GIS] Benchmarking MXD vs MSD performance


Has anyone seen any publically available benchmarks of MSDs vs MXDs?

If we ignore the fact that as part of the MSD publishing process, we run it through some validators with the map service publishing toolbar, in terms of rendering, how much quicker do MSDs render?

And can we break this down further. I know MSDs are faster to render, but are there particular situations where they will render a lot faster?

  • Basic vector layers Vs Imagery
  • Simple symbols vs Multi-layer symbols
  • Lots of layers Vs Lots of features, etc

I thought there would be something in the Capacity Planning Tool wiki, but could not spot anything that goes into detail on what circumstances the MSD outshines the MXD.

I want to see some stats and graphs on MXDs vs MSDs.

As a sidenote, at 10.1 we only have the option of MSDs.

Best Answer

This answer is a working progress.
I aim to do some of my own benchmarks with some Esri sample datasets and also gather stats from external sources.

From the GISWorx link: enter image description here

From the Esri UK link: (Although this relates to the optimisers pointing out potential problems with choices in authoring stage e.g. use of maplex) enter image description here

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