ArcGIS Desktop – Batch Exporting MXD to PDF Files Using ArcGIS Desktop


Nico Burgerhart made a fantastic script called "Batch export MXD to PDF" back in 2008.
Any ideas how to implement it in ArcGIS 10? Something using Python perhaps?
Data Driven Pages does not have anything comparable that i could find.

Here's the steps in read me text file which doesn't jive with ArcGIS 10's new menu bar:

Tool: Batch export MXD to PDF
Purpose: Saves all MXDs in the selected directory to PDFs in the selected output folder
Author: Nico Burgerhart (
Date: 31 Jan. 2007
1. Open ArcMap
2. Select Tools > Macro's > Visual Basic Editor
3. Select File > Import file
4. Import BatchExportMXDToPDF.bas
5. Select File > Close and Return to ArcMap
6. Select Tools > Macro's > Macro's
7. Select the BatchExportMXDToPDF mactro
8. Click Run 

Best Answer

Export Map Document to PDF is now included in the arcpy.mapping module

Pith of code sample from Esri KB How To: Export map documents to PDF using Python:

for mxd in mxd_list:

    current_mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(os.path.join(ws, mxd))
    pdf_name = mxd[:-4] + ".pdf"
    arcpy.mapping.ExportToPDF(current_mxd, pdf_name)

For a more extended Toolbox example see Export MXD to PDF courtesy of @bteranUFA

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