[GIS] Batch Convert Folder of Shapefiles to KML / KMZ


I am looking to convert a folder with multiple shapefiles (over 100) to KML/KMZ files. I am sure I can build a model in ArcGIS to do this conversion but I am unsure on the iteration I should use.

I just need the KML files to have the same name and attributes as the shapefile. Style does not matter

Best Answer

Use the "Iterate Feature Class" tool and set up your model to look similar to this:

enter image description here

To get the name of the output KMZ to match the name of the input shapefile, you will need to make some changes to your "Layer to KML" tool.

Set it up to look like this, using %Name% as the name of your desired output KML in the Output File line:

enter image description here

Setting the name like this is called inline variable substitution. For more information, take a look at this article.