[GIS] Basemap Gallery Error – ESRI JS API


I'm getting an error when trying to switch basemaps in my application(right now only works in IE9).

TypeError: Unable to get value of the property '_basemapGalleryLayerType': object is null or undefined

I'm using standard code provided in the ESRI samples. The full code is a mashup of various samples, so my error may be in the order I've placed things. However, I've tried reordering the code and haven't had any luck.

When I remove mapReady from the dojo.connect(map, "onLoad", mapReady); listener, the basemap gallery works, however it causes my initial basemap to fail and the mapReady function to fail as well (obviously). There is no link that I can determine between the initial basemaps and my mapReady function so I'm not sure what the deal is there…

Also, if I clear the browser cache the entire app will work, 1 time only, then on refresh, it fails as described above. Very inconsistent behavior.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

This works for me:

function createBasemapGallery() {
        // Add the basemap gallery
        basemapGallery = new esri.dijit.BasemapGallery({showArcGISBasemaps: true, map: globals.map}, "basemapGallery");
        dojo.connect(basemapGallery, "onError", function(msg) {console.log(msg)});

Then, inside init() function and after creating the map:

dojo.connect(map, 'onLoad', function(theMap) {
    dojo.connect(dijit.byId('map'), 'resize', map, map.resize);

Then on the HTML:

<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" style="width:380px; height:280px; overflow:auto;">
    <div id="basemapGallery" ></div>