[GIS] Avoid reshaped/jagged polygons when exporting from ArcMap to PDF


I realised that exporting a huge amount of building polygons (in my case 86,000 polygons) to a A2 PDF within ArcGIS 10.2.2 the polygons get unacceptably jagged or even reshaped. It gets a bit better if the dpi value is set to a higher number (e.g. 1000) but it's still not the desired quality.

Polygons within my ArcMap data frame:
Polygons within my ArcMap data frame

Polygons after export to a PDF (400 dpi):
enter image description here

Is there a way to avoid this problem?

Best Answer

Finally, with the help of the comments above and try and error I could minimalize the error. The following has helped:

  • It was no difference between "export map" and exporting via "printer".
  • As suggested by johns in the comments section place the polygons above all other (transparent, raster) layers in the TOC
  • Set the DPI to 3000. Unfortunately this leads to a huge PDF size.
  • However, there are several factors to reduce the file size within the pdf export options:
    • Set resample ratio to 1:2
    • Uncheck "Export Map Georeference Information"