ArcSDE Geodatabase – How to Autonumber Fields in a Versioned ArcSDE Geodatabase

arcgis-10.0enterprise-geodatabasesql serverversioning

I want to have a field with autonumbering in ArcGIS.

I have a versioned ArcSDE for SQL Server geodatabase.

Thus, using the identity seed attribute in the SQL Server is not an option.

Is it not possible to autonumber your own columns in ArcSDE?

Best Answer

Classic problem :(

I can give you a db-specific solution:

The downside of this approach is that if rows get created in child versions and subsequently not posted, you will have gaps in the numbers. You can listen to post events and reassign ids if this is really an issue though.

Until ESRI has a native sequence type, this is the one of the few options you have.