[GIS] Automating transfer of symbology information of raster to polygon feature using ArcMap


I have a raster dataset that is symbolized using Natural Breaks (Jenks) classification (9 classes). To reduce file size for web service display and download, I used the Reclassify tool to remap pixel values into 9 classes (class values were 1-9), and then used the Raster to Polygon tool to create a vector version of the dataset.

Water quality parameter - Colour

It was important to label polygon features based on the original raster symbology classification. So instead of a polygon labeled as 1, it would be labeled 10.3-24.2. To do this, the Remap Table was saved as an INFO table (functionality provided in the Reclassify tool window – see table below) and later joined to the polygon attributes table, in order to create a labeling field based on class range values.

Remap Info Table

This process works fine by manually saving the Remap Table as an INFO table (click save button in the Reclassify tool window), but i need to automate the process, since i need to create about 100 of these maps.

Is there a way to automate the transfer of symbology information (class range values) of a raster to a polygon feature?

Best Answer

How about:

  • Produce an RGB raster
  • Exporting to vector
  • Loop through each polygon's centroid and interrogate the rgb in the raster
  • Put the RGB value in the polygons attribute table (maybe you could ninja / modify a bit of code from the link below)
  • Symbolise a layer file for your range of RGB values, and apply that to your newly attributed vector polygons


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