[GIS] automatically geo- and ortho- rectify raw Landsat data using DEM

demdigital image processinglandsatorthorectificationremote sensing

I have a dataset of 20 Landsat scenes (MSS, TM, ETM+) for 20 years (one scene per year). Scenes are in WGS 84, EPSG 32634 coordinate system and I can easily project = geometrically correct them to S_JTSK, EPSG 5514, using Project raster Tool (Data Management in ArcGIS 10.1).

As my area of interest is in mountaineous region, I would like to orthorectify scenes using DEM (from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, res ~ 30m) but I don´t know really how to do this. I can´t find my rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs) needed for automatic ortorectification in my data and really I can´t imagine how to do this orthorectification. Any help please?

Best Answer

Answer for others so confused people as I am:

To know how to deal with downloaded raw Landsat data - what else in pre-processing do I need?

Firstly check their processing level in_MTL.txt file (included in downloaded Landsat image: http://landsat.usgs.gov/Landsat_Processing_Details.php)

Processing level = DATA_TYPE

  • L1T - terrain corrected processing.
  • L1Gt - systematic terrain corrected processing.
  • L1G - systematic corrected processing.

in MTL file source: http://landsat.usgs.gov/processing_level_of_the_Landsat_scene_I_have_downloaded.php

If possible, Landsat scenes are processed to Standard Terrain Correction (L1T) (Level 1T -precision and terrain correction with DEM). If there are no ground-control or elevation data for L1T , the best level of correction is applied (Level 1G-systematic or Level 1Gt-systematic terrain).

Source: http://landsat.usgs.gov/Landsat_Processing_Details.php

Final geodetic accuracy of the product depends on the accuracy of the ground control points and the resolution of the DEM used.

If I am not wrong, my Landsat data are finally in L1T so I don´t have to orthorectify them - they have to be already ortorectified.

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