[GIS] AutoCAD Map 3D GeoTIFF in the wrong place


I recently was looking at a way of using GeoTIFF in AutoCAD 2015. I was looking at a way of specifying coordinate system using one of UTM projections. I didn't have much luck with that and I decided to try AutoCAD Map 3D 2017, there is an entire library of different coordinate systems including WGS84 UTM Zone 30N, the one I was interested in.

Now, let me explain my problem, I've got .tfw file that I generated using listgeo tool, here is the content of that file:


I tried to use my GeoTIFF with ArcMap, QGIS and one more survey positioning package, all of them after specifying the right coordinate system place the GeoTIFF in the right geographical location apart from AutoCAD Map 3D.

When I specified the coordinate system and units in AutoCAD Map 3D, the entire GeoTIFF looks like it has been shifted a significant distance to the West.

I'm just wondering if AutoCAD Map 3D is drawing GeoTIFFs in a slightly different way or am I doing something completely wrong here?

Did anyone have any luck with using GeoTIFFs in Autodesk packages (Map 3d)? I'm worried that the .tfw file might have wrong values as in QGIS and that survey positioning package I didn't have to use that file and the software positioned GeoTIFF for me, when in AutoCAD Map 3D I actually have to place that file in the same directory as my GeoTIFF in order to be used but the x,y translation doesn't seem to be correct.
Here is the output of gdalinfo:

Size is 3805, 3248
Coordinate System is:
PROJCS["Transverse Mercator",
    GEOGCS["WGS 84",
            SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
Origin = (-9785.217466009140500,6572006.740137700900000)
Pixel Size = (4.999504227592880,-5.000323141986690)
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (   -9785.217, 6572006.740) (  2d53'17.62"W, 59d15'47.69"N)
Lower Left  (   -9785.217, 6555765.691) (  2d53'15.00"W, 59d 7' 2.84"N)
Upper Right (    9237.896, 6572006.740) (  2d33'16.92"W, 59d15'47.73"N)
Lower Right (    9237.896, 6555765.691) (  2d33'19.40"W, 59d 7' 2.88"N)
Center      (    -273.661, 6563886.215) (  2d43'17.24"W, 59d11'25.67"N)

When I used my file in QGIS I didn't use any extra world files, just the geotif itself, however when I tried to load my file in AutoCAD Map 3D I had to use tfw file as without it I was asked to specify the offsets for my geotif image.

Best Answer

I tried number of different things with my geotiff file, including the process of creating custom projection in Autocad to match the one used with that file but I haven't had any luck. I tried to save the raster with different coordinate system (UTM Zone 30N, WGS84) - that at least gave me a file where the insertion point in Autocad Map 3D was very close to the one I would expect but still few tens of meters away. I haven't got any db installed at the moment hence I can't really try any of FDOs, as I was hoping to use QGIS and load the data from it.

Below is the link to the file I'm struggling with at the moment. When using WGS84 UTM Zone 30N in QGIS, file works fine, what I trying to do is to load the same file in Autocad Map 3D using the same coordinate system.


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