[GIS] Auto-Styling QGIS vector layers symbology


Is there a way to get QGIS3 to automatically apply specific symbology based on the layers name for example?

My situation:
I digitize maps often based off satellite imagery. I draw the map using one set of symbology, when I wish to produce the final map I must manually go through each layer and change the symbology for the output map. This is extremely tedious and quite often there is small variations between maps, as each time I set the symbology it is not exactly the same as last time.

I have started saving styles and loading them up for each layer which is an improvement, but I still have to go through each individual layer and load the style. I often have hundreds of layers.

Each layer has different symbology.

Best Answer

You can try use Set style for vector layer algorythm.

enter image description here

Adventage of that solution is that you can make it batch processing/save that to for later reuse.

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