[GIS] Auto fill second column with predefined names depending on first column (QGIS)


I want to create a point layer. In the attribute table I want to have two columns. In the first column I want to type an abbreviation like A. Then I want the second column to be auto filled with Arthur. How can I do that? I am working with QGIS 1.8. on a Mac 10.6

Best Answer

You can create a csv file with the abbreviation and the full text in two columns.

Then import that file as a Vector layer (which sound not logical), and you get a non-spatial layer.

After creating all points, you can join your point layer to the abbreviation csv layer to get the full-name column.

If you want real-time autofill, you might think of a self-made input form which reads your abbreviation and writes the full name into the database table.

Further reading on that:

How can I create a custom form to display the attributes of the selected object?





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