[GIS] Authenticating ArcGIS Server Feature Service in QGIS


I am trying to add a protected Arc layer to a QGIS project and have had no success.

What I have tried so far:

1) Generate token using the token service url…
enter image description here

2) Create a QGIS authentication configuration…
enter image description here

3) Enter the service url…
enter image description here

When attempting to add the layer I get…

Failed to retrieve service capabilities:
Error 499: Token Required

However, if I append the token to the url with: url?token=mytoken, I am able to see the layer in the list…

enter image description here

But I am unable to add the layer to the map…
I receive error:

2019-09-26T12:52:55 CRITICAL Layer is not valid : The layer authcfg='10ph3f0' bbox='-1.13707e+07,3.75972e+06,-1.13549e+07,3.76784e+06' crs='EPSG:3857' filter='' url='https://geodata-services.drillinginfo.com/arcgis/rest/services/Landtrac/DI_Landtrac_Units/FeatureServer?token=mytoken/0' table="" sql= is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map. Reason: AFSProvider getLayerInfo failed

Best Answer

I had what seemed to be the same errors, on a different server of course. It worked after I reduced the url, deleting everything after /arcgis/rest/services/

If you try that it takes a long time to load the list of layers for me to choose the one I want, but that's better than not being able to use it at all.

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