[GIS] Attribute Table Decimal Places


As we all know, the attribute table field properties has number format to display number of decimal places to up to maximum 15.
If we have many fields/columns in attribute table, how can we change all fields/columns decimal places roundoff/display at a time ( I mean in single operation. Not changing each and every field properties).


ColA:12.987654 ! ColB:34.20987766  ! ColC:89.654309877

In one operation my output should be (Rounding/display to 2 digits)

For Rounding:

ColA:12.99 ! ColB:34.201  ! ColC:89.66

For Display:

ColA:12.98 ! ColB:34.20  ! ColC:89.65

is there any method/tool to do this in Arcgis?

Best Answer

Nope. I don't think there's something like that. Iterating over the fields and changing the precision property is the closest you can do I guess. There's a LisField function so it shouldn't be so troublesome.