[GIS] ASCII to Raster Tool


I am trying to use the inbuilt ASCII to Raster Tool that is in ArcToolbox. I have a ASCII file I have downloaded from a website:

Dataset {
  GRID {
      Float32 tas_annual[time = 1][latitude = 8][longitude = 4];
      Float64 time[time = 1];
      Float64 latitude[latitude = 8];
      Float64 longitude[longitude = 4];
  } tas_annual;
} tas_Amon_ACCESS1-0_rcp85_r1i1p1_abs-change-wrt-seasavg-clim_native;
[0][0], 2.0041199, 1.9266663, 1.9833679, 1.8372498
[0][1], 2.012909, 2.0179749, 2.0681152, 1.9727783
[0][2], 2.1237183, 2.1175842, 2.1307678, 2.1443787
[0][3], 2.1319885, 2.186615, 2.239441, 2.1578064
[0][4], 2.1670532, 2.2063293, 2.1326294, 2.1010437
[0][5], 2.2181091, 2.189148, 2.1052856, 2.0286865
[0][6], 2.262329, 2.139038, 2.007782, 1.8820801
[0][7], 2.1386108, 2.0207214, 1.9403992, 1.7330933


-33.75, -32.5, -31.25, -30.0, -28.75, -27.5, -26.25, -25.0

146.25, 148.125, 150.0, 151.875

I have saved as a .txt file and I am trying to import to ArcGIS using the ASCII to Raster tool.

I get a couple of Error Messages :

Error 010022 Keyvalue Dataset misses its Value
Error 010067 Error in executing Grid Expression

enter image description here

Is it because the downloaded gridded ascii is not compatible or another reason ?

Best Answer

I don't think that ascii is correct formated for this tool. This link shows an example of an ASCII raster file format that can be used in ArcGIS. I know that different software do produce their own formatted versions of an ascii and I believe that is the case with yours. You may have to do some data manipulation to get this ascii into a format that Arcgis can use.

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