[GIS] Are there sources for obtaining pre-made KML data from Google


I have been asked to investigate methods for obtaining KML files.

All I know so far is that it is a format based on XML that Google uses to format their maps (or the metadata).

However, are there places or methods that I may avail myself of to download KML data without going through Google Earth?

For example, is it possible to get the KML for the vector data of a state in the US (roads, boundaries, etc.) ?

To restate it simply: I want Google's vector data so I can display it in ArcMap. Are there repositories for such things?

Best Answer

KML is an OGC standard so there should be a lot more applications now a days which will allow you to "export to KML".

OpenLayers makes it very easy to READ and WRITE KML files using Javascript Code.

GDAL will also allow you to READ and WRITE KML files in command line. For example: create a KML file from a Spatial Database Query.

EDIT: You can also export to KML from ArcGIS 10

EDIT #2 Google does not give you the ability to download KML from it's map data. It does provide some map web services but they are not what you are thinking.

ESRI and many others do host map services for free though. For example: http://services.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Reference/World_Boundaries_and_Places/MapServer

Notice at the bottom of the above page you can "Generate KML". But what's better, this is a REST service you can query straight from code.

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