QGIS – Exploring Tools and Plugins to Develop Mapbooks


Are there any tools / plugins to develop mapbooks using QGIS?

Best Answer

I was just reading the QGIS User List yesterday and came across the following post:

I started adding some mapbook functionality [to the EasyPrint Plugin]:

i) Mapbook by grid: You have to create the regular grid first. Paper format, layout, scale etc. values are taken from standard easyprint tab ("simplemap"). You can also choose some overlap percentage. After creating the grid layer you can export the maps. There are some additional parameters like adding adjacent tile indicator to the map or creating an overview map.

ii) Mapbook by feature: This will zoom to the extent of every feature of a specific layer. You can use the layers attributes for setting the title, subtitle, scale and rotation. Scale and rotation will be ignored for polygon and linestring layers.

I gave it a try and it works really well. Mind you I just made a simple mapbook by zooming to polygon features, but it created them in PDF. My only wish is that instead of creating a separate PDF for each "page", it was merged into a single PDF document. It is definitely worth a look!