[GIS] Are there any OpenSource ArcObjects Projects


One of the major benefits of developing GIS applications based on opensource libraries, is that many projects spring up on top of them which are also opensource.

Well designed opensource projects are great for seeing:

  • which coding patterns should be used
  • what coding styles to follow
  • how to structure larger projects
  • what unit tests to include
  • autodocumentation tools and procedures
  • sourcecontrol workflows

The ArcObjects Code Gallery seems the best place to look, but most examples I've looked at are very small pieces of functionality or single tools, rather than full applications.

The SharpGIS project is a nice .NET example to follow, but are there any ArcObjects specific projects?

Updated with Examples:


Easy ArcGIS Library is a set of C# .net classes that wrap the common
functionality of ArcObjects, that help ArcGIS developers do a lot of
common functions in less time and direct way.

And from the same developer:


ArcGISSLControls is a set of ArcGIS Silverlight controls that is built
on top of the ArcGIS Silverlight SDK, it is developed in C#
programming language.

Best Answer

GDAL has an ArcObjects driver and you can see the source code in SVN the tree. The Ziggis project is ArcObject's based and open source. I know they have a newer version that is also open source, but I cannot find the source location.

Otherwise, ESRI's Arcscript's site is another place to look at.

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