[GIS] Are there any open source tools for the processing of UAV images

aerial photographyopen-source-gissoftware-recommendationsunmanned aerial vehicle

I have aerial photographs taken by a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). I want to do ortho mosaicing and DEM creation to do volumetric analysis. Are there any open source tools that process the UAV images?

Best Answer

I have been using three different programs for that: AirPhotoSE, VSfm and OpenDroneMap. All of them are easy to work, specially if default values give good results for your pictures.

AirPhotoSE is the slowest one (it is an old project that it is not active yet), but it works well and gives good results, both for orthophotos and point-clouds (and even DSMs).

VSfm is much faster and is based in an easy to use and appealing GUI.
OpenDroneMap is also fast and efficient, but only based on command line (although still easy). The orthophotos are a bit noisier than those of AirPhotoSE, but it is an ongoing project with a promising future.
gomapping has already given the links.

Hope this helps!

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