[GIS] Are there any known problems using QGIS on Mac OSX Mountain Lion


A few days ago Apple released a new version of the OSX (10.8) and I'm thinking about upgrading.

So, I was wondering if anyone had any problems with GIS applications (QGIS) and other similar software after the upgrade?


Best Answer

Here's one, I'm afraid, from one of our students, who is missing all of the components of the raster menu, except for the ubiquitous raster calculator:

After updating from OSX Lion to OSX Mountain lion (OSX Version 10.8.1), upon opening QGIS I get this message

"Unable to load GdalTools plugin. The required "osgeo [python-gdal]" module is missing. Install it and try again".

When I check the plugins, it looks installed and the box is checked. How do I resolve this issue? I have no menu options for the Raster dropdown menu, making this practical undoable on this machine.'

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