[GIS] ArcSDE – where to start

arcgis-9.3enterprise-geodatabasesql server

As I long ago figured out that I need more complex query-asking abilities (other than the standard select provided by arcgis), and as I will someday have to admin a small scale SDE database that will import data from my corporate's big and country-wide SDE, I wanted to set up a small workgroup SDE on a standalone computer so I could deal with it a bit, to get the hang of dealing with a sde.

But where do I start? I can't find a good manual to start with – The Arcgis 9.3.1 Help(on which I'm working) isn't much help. I know I need to Install SQL server, but I can't understand any of the other steps (creation, import of data and such).

Do you know of any good guides and resources to guide me with the arcgis 9.3.1 SDE from scratch?

(Oh, and does SDE 10 differ a lot from SDE 9.3.1?)

Best Answer

I just have a few mins now so.. I'll provide a starting link. Better than that I will show you the navigation. If you go to resources.arcgis.com and navigate to help (at the top) find the desktop help> 9.3 & 9.3.1

In the tree you will see geodatabases and arcsde. Lots of good information there.


Also a tutorial pdf can be found here

There are differences in 10 and 9.3.1.

It is not clear if you meant you be installing arcgis server workgroup sde or the sde personal (on your desktop).
Sorry but sde personal doesn't have the commandline administration (or much admin at all for that matter) that you may be looking for to get "aquainted".

If you are installing AGS (SDE) Jump In! it's not as scary as it may seem.
And if you have a standalone machine (not corporate data) plan on messing it up and starting over a couple of times.
It goes a lot faster the third time through. Plus you will start to see some workflow issues that you would have had to hire someone to tell you about.

I'll be back later to fill in some more.