[GIS] ArcObjects Runtime Binding 10.0


I installed the ArcOjbects SDK (if I remember correctly) and in visual studio I have referenced the needed assemblies. Namely ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor.

When in stepping through in debug mode I hit this routine:

void BindingArcGISRuntime(object sender, EventArgs e)

            //ProductCode[] supportedRuntimes = new ProductCode[] { ProductCode.Desktop };
            //foreach (ProductCode c in supportedRuntimes)
            //    if (RuntimeManager.Bind(c))
            //        return;

            if (!RuntimeManager.Bind(ProductCode.Desktop))
                // Failed to bind, announce and force exit
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid ArcGIS runtime binding. Application will shut down.");

But I don't hit the

"Console.WriteLine("Invalid ArcGIS runtime binding. Application will shut down.");"


Then straight to this auto-generated routine:

if (RuntimeManager.ActiveRuntime == null)
                EventHandler temp = ResolveBindingEvent;
                if (temp != null)
                    temp(this, new EventArgs());

            return Initialize();

Any ideas? Thanks.

Best Answer

Have you performed authorization? Otherwise, license binding will fail

You can see if your software is authorized in ArcGIS Administrator

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