ArcMap Toolbars – How to Fix ArcMap Toolbars Stacking Up on Multi-Monitor Configurations


In ArcMap 9.3, we had issues with our toolbars always stacking up instead of remaining where they were placed. This was mainly an issue on dual monitor workstations and we would occasionally see the issue on a single monitor workstation. When we reported the issue to Esri, they said it was a known bug: NIM003161.

I won't have an opportunity to install ArcGIS 10 on a dual monitor workstation for a couple of months and I was wondering what the user experience is when opening saved MXDs on dual (or triple) monitor workstations.

Are toolbars staying put?

I looked up bug #NIM003161 and its status is on-hold and last modified on March 25, 2010 and the version fixed is still blank. That part worries me a little, but I'm hoping Esri just hasn't gotten around to updating that bug.

Best Answer

I've got 2 monitors, running Vista 64 with ArcGIS 10.0.

I opened arcmap, moved the window to the secondary monitor, undocked several commandbars and saved the mxd, then closed arcmap.

When I reopened arcmap it placed the commandbars where I had placed them (in their undocked state), then prompted me for the mxd. I selected the mxd I had saved and it was presented it on the secondary monitor just as I had saved it. The commandbars remained undocked. It also worked with commandbars undocked on secondary monitor and main window on primary monitor.

I guess if I unplugged the secondary monitor, I'd prefer to have the commandbars stack next time I open arcmap, but I didn't test that.