[GIS] ArcMap Query Layer passing invalid SQL to Oracle


In two different environments I'm having trouble using ArcMap 10.0 SP3 Query Layers to view SDO_GEOMETRY (point) data in Oracle 11.2 (11gR2).

Points are in Oracle stored under SDO_GEOMETRY, 2001 type (2D point), 4326 SRID (WGS84 lat/lon). The table / column has a spatial index and is entered in user_sdo_geom_metadata.

I can successfully query the table in a way that uses its spatial index (SDO_WITHIN_DISTANCE), so I know this is functional.

When I add the table to ArcMap as a query layer the query validates fine, however nothing is displayed when I zoom to the layer. I have verified that the zoom extent is correct. If I try to show labels I see a drawing error:

Underlying DBMS error[ORA-29902: error in executing ODCIIndexStart() routine
ORA-22060: argument [2] is an invalid or uninitialized number
ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_INDEX_METHOD_10I", line 333

Not understanding how this involves me I decided to trace the database.

ArcMap makes the following query to Oracle:

from (select * from TEST.BC_POINT_TEST_1) a
where sdo_filter(LOCATION_GEOMETRY,sdo_geometry( to_blob( :i1 ), :i2),'querytype=window') = 'TRUE'

I filled in the blanks to create the following query:

from (select * from TEST.BC_POINT_TEST_1) a
where sdo_filter(LOCATION_GEOMETRY, SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 4326, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1003, 3), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(53.276, 23.232, 53.587, 23.451)),'querytype=window') = 'TRUE'

Which worked fine. However, if I replace 4326 with NULL it throws a similar error (but not exactly the same) to what I'm seeing in ArcMap. This makes me think possibly ArcMap isn't passing the correct SRID for Oracle to know what to do. I set the data frame's coordinate system to WGS84 but this didn't make a difference.

The error reported through ArcMap references argument [2]. If this is actually the second bind parameter in the traced query that would be the SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY, but as this is an array it would make no sense to complain that this is an invalid or uninitialized number.

So far nothing has helped solve this problem, but I recently had an opportunity to test with 10.1 and everything worked as expected. This suggests there's nothing wrong with the Oracle instance.

Best Answer

You could try manually defining the spatial reference of a query layer :

ArcGIS uses the spatial reference identifier (SRID) specified on the shape values in the database to determine the spatial reference of the features being returned by a query layer. There may be instances where ArcGIS cannot accurately determine the spatial reference based on the current SRID value set on those features in the database. In these cases, the query layer will have an unknown spatial reference. It is possible to manually define the spatial reference on the query layer on the Advanced Options dialog box. It is important to note that this does not reproject the query layer; it just defines what spatial reference should be used when mapping the results of the query within ArcGIS.

Check the Advanced Options check box on the New Query Layer dialog box.
Click Select to choose the coordinate system to be used for the spatial reference.
Optionally, you can import the spatial reference from an existing dataset by clicking Import.