[GIS] ArcMap – Opening the attribute table gives ‘Could not load data from the data source’ error


ArcMap wont display the attribute table of a dataset.

I get an error 'Could not load data from the data source' and it says 'An invalid SQL statement was used'. It then opens a table with the correct number of fields, but no field headers and no data.

It does however display the attribute table if I make a selection and ask it to show only the selection, and I can select every record in the table and it works.

It also displays the values if I use the identify button.

The datasource is a table in a Geodatabase and was created from FME. FME reports no errors in loading the data, and loads all of the records it is given. Using ArcGIS 10.1 SP1.

The table has no special characters in the table name, or the field names.

Edit 10/05/2013

The Geodatabase will open in QGIS. If I export to another features class in a file geodatabase using ArcCatalog it the works. I have tried using the FILEGDB and GEODATABASE_FILE writers in FME and the attribute table will not open in ArcMap. Both work in QGIS 1.8

Best Answer

Thanks for sending that to Safe Software support James. This helped us see the issue which was a field name 'Order" which is a reserved word for file geodatabase. FME generally will catch these and I have followed up with problem report. The solution is to change that field name in the destination feature type in FME Workbench.

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