[GIS] ArcMap label expressions with Python


Having trouble here: I'm trying to use python to write selective label expressions. I have several concentrations and depending on its "_Ex" number I either want it labeled red, not red, or not labeled at all. I have started with just one trying to set it to red. when i put this into the lable expression it says line one Findlabel not defined.

Any help would be appreciated. -Acrain (Indentations are not showing up correctly here, but I don't think thats my problem)

def FindLabel ([cis12DCE] , [cis12DCE_Ex]):

if short ( [cis12DCE_Ex] ) = 1:
    return "<clr red = "255">"+"cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene  "+[cis12DCE]+"</clr>
    return "cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene  "+[cis12DCE]

enter image description here

Best Answer

I think there are a couple issues.

  1. You seem to be having a problem with indentations and extra spacing between your def line and your if statement. The if statement needs to be on the next line.
  2. I think you are embedding a series of double quotes inside each other.

Edit - Change expression to double == sign, HT @Hotpepper

Edit 2 - I am including a screenshot of how the expression should be entered in the expression window. In addition, based on the error, I think you should simply try casting the field back to an integer int instead of using short, as I'm not sure that is supported.

For reference, here is the relevant ESRI Help document: Building Label Expressions


def FindLabel ([cis12DCE],[cis12DCE_Ex]):
  if int([cis12DCE_Ex]) == 1:
    return "<clr red = '255'>"+"cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene  "+[cis12DCE]+"</clr>"
    return "cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene  "+[cis12DCE]

enter image description here

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