[GIS] ArcMap is exporting to extremely large pdf files


My organization has one user who recently has noticed very large pdf files being exported from her mxds. When I recreate and do the export, I am getting a 4mb file (normal). When she exports the file we are seeing a 2.4 GB file. I changed some settings and was able to get it down to 1GB, but that wasn't satisfactory (obviously).

Things we have recently tried:

-Deleted the normal.mxt (reduced pdf size to 100mb)

-Turned off the setting that saves the spatial information in the pdf

-DPI is at 300

It isn't an overly large mxd. Normal vector data with some labeling. The pdf size is 42" x 60".

Any ideas on what to try next? She is on an ArcEditor 9.3.1 license.

Best Answer

I have had a similar problem where exported PDF would be larger than should be considering the data. In the Export window, I went to the Format tab and changed the Picture Symbol to Vectorize and in the Advance tab I changed the Layers and Attributes drop down to None. Things that used to be in the 50 Megabyte range were now under a Megabyte.