ArcGIS Desktop Performance – How to Fix ArcMap and ArcCatalog Opening Slowly on High-Resource Laptops

arcgis-desktopinstallationperformancewindows 7

I have a recent installation or ArcGIS Desktop on a 64 bit Windows 7 Machine, with 8GB ram, intel core i7 processor, and a solid state drive.

It takes ~2 min to open either ArcMap or ArcCatalog from the start menu (e.g. without loading any data).

As a new installation, I have only the default folder connections.

Is this normal, or is it possible that there is something wrong with my installation?

Best Answer

After contacting the appropriate IT admin, I recieved the following instructions, resulting in load times closer to my expectation: ArcMap now takes ~4s, ArcCatalog ~3s to load.

  1. Install ArcGIS service pack 3 (this did not change boot time on its own)
  2. run "esriremove.reg" to remove changes made by ArcGIS to the registry, the contents of esriremove.reg are:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment]
  3. re-install the single-user / off-site license (I had started with the single-user / off-site license, so this is not in and of itself the only issue).