[GIS] ArcMap Append (Data Management) Tool is not working correctly


Software version: ArcMap 10.5

I am attempting to append data from a Shapefile into an existing SDE Geodatabase feature class using the Append (Data Management) tool. The tool runs, and the results say that it has been successful and no errors are shown, however the point geometry and attributes are not shown in the feature class.

I have tried in both an edit session and not, and using NO_TEST to map the attributes. I cannot see any reason why it wouldn't work.

What am I doing wrong and are there any alternatives to this tool if it is a known bug?

Best Answer

Try exporting the shapefile to a File Geodatabase with Feature Class to Feature Class tool and use the feature class in Append tool. When a geoprocessing tool fail with shapefile input it will sometimes work with a feature class input.

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