[GIS] ArcMap 10.1 Crashing when using field calculator


I keep getting a serious error message when I try to use the field calculator. I've joined a .csv to my SDE feature class and am trying to set one of the columns equal to one of the columns from the .csv. But it keeps crashing! Is this happening to anyone else?

Best Answer

The Field Calculator would crash on me whenever I would run the Field Calculator to update about 2,300 records on a point dataset that was generated as a checkout file geodatabase. This turned out to be a known ESRI bug where ArcMap would crash if the Field Calculator was used on more than 100 records at a time in a checkout file GDB, and was addressed in 10.2.2 and is no longer an issue. I don't know if upgrading to 10.2.2 will eliminate your field calculator issue but it worked for mine.