[GIS] ArcGIS XML Import Failed – how to find out why it failed


I am creating an ESRi XML Workspace document in some of my own C# code. The XML doc that is produced validates against the GdbExchange.xsd schema provided by ESRI. However, when I use ArcCatalog to import the XML document into a newly created Personal Geodatabase (.mdb) I get the following error:

Import xml data failed
FDO error: -2147186428 [XML parse error: Unspecified error
 [Line: 415, column: 23].]

The line and column indicated above are:

    <Metadata xsi:type="esri:XmlPropertySet">
        <XmlDoc />
</WorkspaceDefinition> <!-- THIS LINE -->
<WorkspaceData xsi:type="esri:WorkspaceData">
    <DatasetData xsi:type="esri:TableData">

(Column 23 is after the closing angle bracket, ">", an the line marked "< !– THIS LINE –>")

Given that the XML document is valid, how can I get more useful information from ArcGIS?

(There is a somewhat similar question asked here: Importing XML file in ArcGIS failed, but that didn't have a resolution that worked for me…)

Best Answer

Perhaps you edited the XML from a program like Notepad++.

I have had an experience in the past where the XML was OK in all respects, but because I had edited it using Notepad++, it was not readable.

Try creating another (fresh) copy of the XML using Visual Studio XML editor or Windows notepad.

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